60 days until ACA 2024!

Luxe Package

Increase your chances of winning by purchasing a luxe ticket package. A luxe ticket package includes 15 entries for each of the three raffle items (45 tickets total).
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The Junior League of Austin 5330 Bluffstone Lane Austin, TX 78759 45 tickets for $250 15 tickets for Dashing Diamonds 15 tickets for Iconic Chanel 15 tickets for Dreamy Steamboat Springs Vacation Increase your chances of winning by purchasing a luxe ticket package. A luxe ticket package includes 15 entries for each of the three raffle items (45 tickets total). Raffle drawing on July 18, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. via livestream. Ticket purchaser must be a resident of the state of Texas. Event purchases fund the year-round programs of The Junior League of Austin and are non-refundable or transferable. Thank you for supporting the Central Texas community with your purchase.